Column DB faster than row

Row oriented Coloumn oriented
Consider employee data is stored

ID	  Name	  Age	Salary
1	    Alice	  30	50000
2	    Bob	    25	60000
3	    Carol	35	70000
4	    Dave	40	80000

On Row Oriented DB its Stored as(On Disk):
1, Alice, 30, 50000
2, Bob, 25, 60000
3, Carol, 35, 70000
4, Dave, 40, 80000

Query: SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employees;
DB system needs to read each row, extract the Salary value, and then compute the average
Same data is stored as:

ID:    1,     2,    3,    4
Name:  Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave
Age:   30,    25,   35,   40
Salary:50000, 60000, 70000, 80000

Query: SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employees;
DB system only needs to read the Salary row

Remember, Only some queries are faster. if we do SELECT * from employee where age>27;
row oriented would be faster.

Difference Row vs Column DB

Row Oriented Column Oriented (Best for Analytical Queries)
SQL yes yes
What data is stored row by row. Eg: MySQL, Postgres data is stored column by column. Eg: Amazon Redshift, SAP HANA, Google PowerDrill
Use Case OLAP needs complex queries that require the processing of large volumes of data to generate insights. Example
  Finding Average(SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employees)
  Aggregating Queries (SELECT AVG(Salary), MIN(Age), MAX(Age) FROM Employees;)
  Filtering with Aggregation (SELECT Department, COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Age > 30 GROUP BY Department;)

OLAP Scenario

What is OLAP(Online Analytical Processing)

OLAP scenarios require real-time responses on top of large datasets for complex analytical queries with the following characteristics:
1. Datasets would be massive - billions or trillions of rows
2. Only a few columns are selected to answer any particular query
3. Results must be returned in milliseconds or seconds
4. OLAP scenario is very different from other popular scenarios (such as OLTP or Key-Value access).
5. MongoDB or Redis for analytics will get very poor performance compared to OLAP databases

Advatanges on IO

1. For an analytical query, only a small number of table columns need to be read.
In a column-oriented database, you can read just the data you need.
For example, if you need 5 columns out of 100, you can expect a 20-fold reduction in I/O
2. Data in columns is also easier to compress.
3. Due to the reduced I/O, more data fits in the system cache.